Monday, October 7, 2013

Match on Action

In this activity we demonstrated a Match on Action Scene, after the lesson i had clear understanding on what a Match on Action is. Match on Action is a filming technique that is used in many TV Shows and Films. Match on Action is an editing technique for continuity in which one shot cuts to another shot which portrays the action in the first shot, this creates an impression of a sense of continuity - the action carrying through creates a visual bridge which draws the viewers attention away from sight cutting or continuity issues.

In this activity we were given a scenario to demonstrate the match on action technique as a group we demonstrated the action of getting up from a chair/sofa and then walking away. Before filming this shot we scripted out where we were going to position the two cameras on tripods this was easier to set up once we started filming the shot. The positioning of the two cameras was very important because that insured that we have different views of the same action at the same time.

I was responsible for filming the shot, and this was fairly simple because in previous lessons we learnt how to use the cam recorders alongside the tripods to help us position the camera whilst filming but on the other hand the editing wasn't as simple because we had combine two different shot clips from two different cam records so then we could create a match on action shot.

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